about proclipping

Refund Policy

Try Before Buying
All our products have a live demo so that our customers can check what they are buying. We advise you to properly check our plugins and ask questions on our support email, live chat, social media or blogs.Our expert support engineers are always available to answer all your questions related to our products. You can send us the email to [email protected] or fill up this contact form.

Refund Policy After Purchase
We firmly believe in and stand with our products. But like any other software, we understand that sometimes they might not work perfectly (without issues) for everyone all of the time. If you find a bug on our products that we are unable to resolve and if that makes the system unusable, we are more than happy to provide a complete refund within 14 days of your original purchase. We will not be responsible for any issues that generate due to third party themes and plugins.

A couple of small points you should consider
We cannot provide refunds due to technical issues unless you allow us to adequately try and assist you. If we are unable to resolve the issue for you, we will provide a refund. Before requesting a refund, please open a support ticket stating your issue in details along with screenshots.
Refunds may only be issued within 14 days of the purchase date. After 14 days no refunds can be processed.

Refunds will not be granted if you simply decide not to use the purchased products or you buy it by mistake. We stand behind our products and will assist you in solving any problem you have, but we also expect you to adequately understand what you are purchasing and why.
Refund will not be issued for any custom feature that was not present during the time when you bought it.
Policy for Automatic Payments
All of our products including Dokan Multivendor Pro, WP Project Manager Pro, WP User Frontend Pro and some extensions require renewal of subscriptions every year, but you can choose whether to renew your subscription or not. We suggest renewing your subscriptions because we are always improving our products and releasing new updates. A valid subscription is required for receiving updates.

If the parent plugin becomes expired-

You won’t be able to download any download any product from the dashboard
All the extensions of the parent plugin will not be available in the download section either.
When you renew the subscription of the parent plugin, all extensions of that plugin will be available for download.
Please note that when you purchase any product using PayPal or Stripe, you create an automatic payment account. This means both Pay Pal and Stripe records your information and prepares your payment account. This helps the payment gateways to automatically charge from you to complete automatic payments.

If you do not cancel automatic payments from your account, it will –

Renew the product subscription after one year
Charge from your account automatically
We do not refund auto renewal payments for any product.

So, please make sure to cancel automatic payment while purchasing if you don’t want to renew your license after one year.

Acceptance of this Policy
When you are placing an order for any of our products, you indicate that you have read this refund policy properly. This also proves that you agree with and fully accept the terms of this refund policy. We ask you not to place an order with us if you do not agree with the terms and conditions.

If any of the above criteria is met, then you are eligible for refund. Please use the contact form and we will reply within 2 working days.